A continuation of ENGR 420. Emphasis is placed on implementation of the design created in ENGR 420. Prerequisites: ENGR 420 and permission of instructor. (1.0 course).
Integrated hardware and software of embedded systems is explored. Topics include different embedded architecture, interaction with devices, concurrency, and embedded software including exception handling. Prerequsites: ENGR-101, ENGR-190, ENGR 210, and ENGR 222 or permission of instructor. (1.0 course).
This course is a capstone experience for all senior engineering students. Using the many engineering skills and techniques that they have acquired, they will do a team-based project that is directed by an engineering or science faculty member. Teams will present their work at various points in the course. It is meant to be taken in two successive semesters to give a year-long experience. Prerequisites: PHYS 208, ENGR 235, and ENGR 340. (1.0 course).
Analysis techniques for the kinematic, dynamic, stress, and fatigue analysis of machine components are presented. Mechanical properties of materials are reviewed. Analytical and graphical solutions are explored. Prerequisite: ENGR 220. (One course).
Structured programming appropriate to solve engineering problems. Students learn to create program using loops, decision statements, arrays, modular programming, and file input and output. Emphasis is given to solving typical engineering problems. Content is related to prior engineering courses. Prerequisite: ENGR 102 (0.5 course).
This course is an investigation into the mechanics of materials. Topics covered include stress, strain, axial deformation, torsion, equilibrium of beams, stresses and deflection of beams, pressure vessels and bulging of columns and other topics that are of interest to mechanical engineers. Prerequisite: PHYS 209 or ENGR 209. (One course).
An exploration of the engineering profession. Students learn what roles engineers play in society. They learn about various engineering subdisciplines. Students experientially learn about engineering by completing a semester long design project. Technical content required for them to complete the project is taught. (0.5 course).